Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tell Congress to Support H.R. 6563

The Virginia School Boards Association encourages you to contact your member of the United States House of Representatives and ask them to include H.R. 6563, The Emergency Educational Connections Act of 2020, in the next COVID-19 relief package passed by Congress. This legislation, sponsored by Representative Grace Meng, would appropriate $2 billion for an Emergency Connectivity Fund, administered through the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) E-Rate program, for schools and libraries to support distance and remote learning for millions of students without home internet access for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.

The closure of Virginia’s public schools by Governor Ralph S. Northam on March 13 have exacerbated several inequalities that exist in our schools across the Commonwealth including families with home internet access and those without. Students living in homes without access to the internet face a growing “homework gap” which keeps them from participating in academic activities as learning has moved online. All students deserve access to learning, and we ask Congress to support measures that will allow students the opportunity to connect online with their teachers during this school closure.

The E-Rate program is the best vehicle to disseminate funds quickly to public schools for the purchase of Wi-Fi hotspots, modems, routers, and connected devices in an equity-based manner. The E-Rate program’s history of handling these distributions in the past make it the best option to quickly provide these much-needed resources for our students and families facing the lack of internet connectivity.

Click Here to Find Your Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Ask them to Support Including H.R. 6563 into any future COVID-19 Relief Package!