Thursday, January 30, 2020
Post Secondary & Higher Education Subcommittee January 29, 2020
HB36 (Hurst) Declares that, except in certain limited circumstances, a
student journalist at a public middle school or high school or public
institution of higher education has the right to exercise freedom of speech and
the press in school-sponsored media, including determining the news, opinion,
feature, and advertising content of school-sponsored media, regardless of
whether the media is supported financially by the school board or governing
board, supported through the use of school or campus facilities, or produced in
conjunction with a class or course in which the student is enrolled. The bill
defines "school-sponsored media" as any material that is prepared,
substantially written, published, or broadcast by a student journalist at a
public middle school or high school or public institution of higher education
under the direction of a student media adviser and distributed or generally
made available to members of the student body.
The subcommittee recommended that the bill be reported 4-3.