Thursday, September 24, 2020

Senate Finance and Appropriations Meeting- September 24, 2020

The Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee met this afternoon to consider the remainder of House passed legislation still remaining on the docket. No public comment on legislation was taken by the Committee, but the VSBA Government Relations team provided members with concerns regarding HB 5028 (Jones) which would have established a presumption that COVID-19, causing the death or disability of firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, law-enforcement officers, first responders, health care providers, and school board employees is an occupational diseases compensable under the Workers' Compensation Act. The provisions of this bill would have been retroactive to January 1, 2020.

Committee members expressed deep concern over the costs associated with this legislation, including the potential $70 million price tag for local school boards. Senator Steve Newman (R-Bedford), motioned the bill be Passed by Indefinitely (PBI). With a unanimous vote, the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee approved the motion to PBI House Bill 5028.

VSBA believes similar legislation will be part of the House Democrats legislative agenda during the 2021 Regular Session.